

35 exemplary phrases for fourth-grade students to learn from and utilize in their writing during the first semester of the academic year


A Comprehensive Collection of Graduation Yearbook Cover Quotes in English

1、一帆风顺,吉星高照。Good luck.2、别离是一朵孤傲的云,下雨,让她爱上了母校的土地。Parting is a lonely cloud, rain, let her fall in love with the land of her alma mater.3、趁青春没有理由不去闯,即使会

Building a Comprehensive Vocabulary for Second Graders: A Collection of Elegant Phrases and Expressions

二年级优美词语积累1、衷肠 书信 庸俗 山洞 清香2、帮忙 低吟 伤心 思索 小舟3、开朗 牢固 气味 夺目 堆积4、细长 坦然 精光 书蕾 严厉5、洁白 和谐 谢谢 铭记 春竹6、寻找 醉蓝 道骨 寂冷 赌气7、圆润 春联 等待 春翠 舒适8、向彤 于是 孤寂 伤害 紫真9、恨天 欢喜 尺寸 潇洒

Motivational and Inspirational English Phrases Short and Beautiful for the College Entrance Examination (Gaokao)

1、纤夫在河边留下一串脚印,那是跋涉者生活的省略号。The trackers left a series of footprints by the river, which was the ellipsis of the life of the trekkers.2、不逼一把自己,都不知道自己到底有

In celebration of Teacher's Day: Heartfelt English Messages of Gratitude and Appreciation for Educators!

1、世有伯乐,然后有千里马。谢谢您,我的老师。教师节快乐!There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianlima. Thank you, my teacher. Happy Teachers' Day!2、您是人类灵魂的工程师,您从事的是太阳底下

A Collection of Inspiring and Thought-Provoking Graduation Quotes in English for the Graduating Class of This Season

毕业季语录英语1、相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂杨边。Meet the spirit for the king drink, tied to the horse high building hanging yang side.2、青春兵荒马乱,未来星河璀璨。Youth is in a wild and

Express Your Gratitude on World Teachers' Day with These Short and Sweet English Greetings

1、您就是我们敬爱的老师,教师节到了,祝您节日快乐!You are our beloved teacher. Happy Teacher's Day!2、教师节到了,祝恩师节日快乐,您的恩情我们终身铭记!Teacher's Day is coming. Happy Teacher's day. We

An Extended Version of Words of Advice for Children in English

1、为孩子们的成长自豪,为孩子们的将来祈祷!Proud of the growth of children, pray for the future of children!2、愿你拥有更多真挚的友谊,与朋友共成长!May you have more sincere friendship and g