

Quotes from the Joker in English: A Collection of Memorable Lines from the Iconic Villain

1、我没心事可讲,我的心酸都不可告人。I have nothing on my mind to say. I can't tell my heartache.2、我难过的时候只能大笑,所以你听不见我的哭声。I can only laugh when I'm sad, so you can't hea

An Expansive Compilation of Avatar's Remarkable English Dialogues for Adoring Fans and Language Learners Alike

1、如果不下雨的话,我们就不训练。If it doesn't rain, we won't train.2、弱肉强食,事实就是这样,而且没人会在意。The law of the jungle, that's what it is, and nobody cares.3、你接受过多少培训?How mu

The Quotable Lines of the Joker in 2021: An Extract of Memorable Sayings from the Iconic Villain

1、你做小丑你说心疼,我现在找到工作,你又怀疑我。You do clown you say heartache, I now find a job, you doubt me.2、在生活中小丑其实并不快乐,面具只是掩饰悲伤的工具。In life, the clown is not happy, th

Delightfully Deceptive and Amusingly Mistranslated: A Compilation of Lighthearted and Humorous English Phrases for April Fool's Day

1、愚人节,你是爱,你是永恒。April Fool's day, you are love, you are eternal.2、祝你天真善良、愚昧无知。I wish you innocence, kindness and ignorance.3、祝你愚人成功,被愚开怀!I wish you the