

2023-11-07 17:49:18 9

1、If you need anything, please let me know.如果有什么需要,请告诉我。——《阿甘正传》

2、I've long forgotten her!我早就忘了她了!——《老友记》

3、We can't choose origin, but we can choose friends.我们无法选择出身,但可以选择朋友。——《绿皮书》

4、I was really excited, completely.我确实怦然心动了,彻彻底底的。——《怦然心动》

5、Envy people who are luckier than them.嫉妒比他们更幸运的人。——《小丑》

6、Rudeness is just an expression of fear.无礼只是恐惧的一种表露。——《布达佩斯大饭店》

7、Falling in love with you is the easiest thing for me.爱上你是我最容易的事。——《绿皮书》

8、I don't have the strength to leave you anymore.他们没有选择的机会,但你有。——《绿皮书》

9、Happy? I have never been happy in my life.快乐?我这辈子,从来没有快乐过。——《小丑》

10、I want to be alone.我想一个人呆着。——《大饭店》

11、Even if I die, I have to choose my own way.即使是死,也要选择我自己的方式。——《明日之战》

12、From the moment I met you, my heart pounded.遇见你那刻起,我便怦然心动了。——《怦然心动》

13、Easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.成年人的生活里没有容易二字。——《天气预报员》

14、Friend, forgive me. I'm not getting off the boat.朋友,原谅我。我不下船了。——《海上钢琴师》

15、Run with passion and keep your heart still.激情奔跑,心如止水。——《变形金刚》

16、Choose me、Marry me、Let me make you happy、选我吧,娶我吧,让我给你幸福。——《我最好朋友的婚礼》

17、All I have are negative thoughts.我有的全是负面想法。——《小丑》

18、Even the strongest man needs friends. 再强的人也需要朋友。——《教父》

19、Everybody panics before they get married.每个人婚前都会紧张的。——《西雅图不眠夜》

20、You should do your best with what God has given.你要凭着上帝所给予的做到最好。——《阿甘正传》

21、One day, unite as one!终有一天,万众一心!——《变形金刚》

22、Start at the end, end at the beginning.开始于结束的地方,结束于开始的地方。——《西部世界》

23、I want to be the master of life, not a slave.人并非生来就伟大,而是越活越伟大。——《教父》

24、You are the only one who is good to me!你是唯一对我好的人!——《小丑》

25、May the Force be with you.愿原力与你同在。——《星球大战》

26、Politics and crime, they’re the same thing.政治和罪恶其实是一样的。——《教父》

27、There's no place like home.没有一个地方可以和家相提并论。——《绿野仙踪》

28、All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。——《泰坦尼克号》

29、Not only a good day, but also a wonderful day!不只要过好的一天,还要过精彩的一天!——《失控玩家》

30、Can you call me a clown when you introduce me!介绍我出场的时候,能不能叫我小丑!——《小丑》

31、You have to be fooled every time.你每次都要上当。——《老友记》

32、I have no strength to leave you.我已经没有力量离开你了。——《暮光之城》

33、I've grown up. I'm getting old.我已经长大了,我正在变老。——《这个杀手不太冷》

34、Listen, it's normal not to forget your first love.听着,忘不了初恋是正常的。——《恋恋笔记本》

35、It's like you are back from the dead.好像你是死而复生似的。——《狮子王》

36、You can't change the past.过去的事是不可以改变的。——《狮子王》

37、You can’t handle the truth!你不能操纵事实!——《义海雄风》

38、Mom always has a way to make me understand.妈妈总有办法让我明白事理。——《阿甘正传》

39、You don't have to perform. It's all for yourself.你们用不着表演,完全为你自己。——《死亡诗社》

40、I won't forgive you, but I will help you.我不会原谅你,但我还是会帮助你。——《寻梦环游记》

41、Once inaccessible, now within reach.从前遥不可得,如今触手可及。——《冰雪奇缘》

42、Things are always unexpected!事情总是出乎意料!——《阿甘正传》

43、Bad things happen.糟糕的事难免会发生。——《阿甘正传》

44、I will cherish every minute to live.我将珍惜每一分钟去活着。——《心灵奇旅》

45、Remember me before the memory of love disappears.在爱的记忆消失以前,请记住我。——《寻梦环游记》

46、I laugh in the face of danger.越危险就越合我心意。——《狮子王》

47、Give your mind to God and your body to me.把思想交给上帝,把身体交给我。——《肖申克的救赎》

48、If you need, I'll be by your side.如果你需要,我就在你身边。——《阿甘正传》

49、You can't focus on what's wrong.你不能把注意力集中在错事上。——《头脑特工队》

50、Stick to your dream and try to make him a reality.坚持梦想,努力把他变成现实。——《寻梦环游记》

51、Don't rely on dreams and forget life.不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。——《哈利·波特》

52、What happened to that guy?那个家伙到底怎么了?——《老友记》

53、We ll always have Paris.我们永远都怀念巴黎(那段美好的时光)。——《卡萨布兰卡》

54、Only by forgetting the past can we move on.只有忘记过去,才能继续前行。——《阿甘正传》

55、After all,tomorrow is another day!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!——《乱世佳人》

56、Sounds like my date.听起来好像是说我的约会。——《老友记》

57、I shrugged and nodded, but my heart sank.我耸肩点头,但我的心却猛往下沉。——《阿甘正传》

58、I don't like sports very much.我不太喜欢体育。——《老友记》

59、You just stay away from me please.求你离开我。——《阿甘正传》

60、She's my sister. She won't hurt me.她是我姐姐,她不会伤害我的。——《冰雪奇缘》

61、Well,nobody’s perfect.人无完人。——《热情似火》

62、You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?——《出租车司机》

63、There is no wrong step in tango, not like life.探戈里无所谓错步的,不像人生。——《闻香识女人》

64、I can look at the menu. Doesn't mean I'm gonna eat.我看着菜单,并不代表我想吃! ——《越狱》

65、What kind of person do you want to be in the future?你以后想成为什么样的人?——《阿甘正传》

66、Before the avalanche, no snowflake was innocent.血崩之前,没有一片雪花是无辜的。——《小丑》

67、I think it's hard winning a war with words.我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。——《乱世佳人》

68、How about a kiss, like a movie.那吻一下如何,像演电影一样。——《这个杀手不太冷》

69、Can't I be myself, the real, the true self?我不能成为我自己么,真实的,本色的自我?——《阿甘正传》

70、I'll make it up to you, I promise.我会补偿你的,我保证。——《狮子王》

71、If a man is a rainbow, he knows it when he meets the top.斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。——《怦然心动》

72、Everything that has a begin has an end.世间万物有始皆有终。——《黑客帝国》

73、Get busy living or get busy d ying.要么忙于活着,要么忙于死去。——《肖申克的救赎》

74、The truth is out there. 真相在那里。——《X档案》

75、Sorry, I thought you needed it.抱歉啊,我以为你有需要。——《老友记》

76、I'll do everything I can for Paul.为了保罗,我会竭尽所能。——《沙丘》

77、Bond.James Bond.邦德,詹姆士邦德。——《诺博士》

78、To be or not to be, that’s a question. 生存还是死亡,这是一个问题。——《哈姆雷特》

79、It makes me feel like a fish in water.它让我如鱼得水。——《阿甘正传》

80、Destiny takes a hand.命中注定。——《西雅图不眠夜》

81、I'm a man of my word.我是个信守承诺的人。——《阿甘正传》



1、爱你要你,我爱你一生一世。Love you, want you, I love you all my life.2、想你,情不自禁。I can't help missing you.3、你是我此生,最美的风景。You are the most beautiful scenery in my li


1、不要因为孤独而选择爱情,其实你一个人也能拥有很多美好。Don't choose love because of loneliness. In fact, you can have a lot of good things by yourself.2、因为心里装着你,所以沿途的风景如此美好。Bec


1、一本故事书里,除了主角还有路人甲乙,我是甲乙丙丁,可我不想认命。In a storybook, in addition to the protagonist, there are passers-by, I am a, B, C, D, but I don't want to admit my


1、读书之于头脑,好比运动之于身体。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.2、读书如行路,历险毋惶恐。Reading is like a journey, there is no fear of adventure.3、书是蓝天,我就


1、我们说,要幸福的活者,却仍然发现,风景是孤独的。We say we want to live happily, but we still find that the scenery is lonely.2、我看过最虐心的微小说,就是我和你的聊天记录。The most sadistic micro


1、好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。早安!Play your part and do what you should do. good morning!2、不要只为一个人而活,你的人生,还可以拥有全世界。早安!Don't just live for one person, you can hav


1、青椒肉丝和肉丝青椒是同一道菜,关键是谁来炒。Green pepper and shredded pork and green pepper is the same dish, the key is who to fry.2、星星只能白了青年人的发,不能灰了青年人的心。Stars can only


1、生活就是要把你折腾的死去活来,你要做的就是咬牙坚持下去。Life is to toss you to death, what you have to do is to grit your teeth and stick to it.2、学会在学习中寻找乐趣,学会乐在其中并保持热情。Learn t


1、If you need anything, please let me know.如果有什么需要,请告诉我。——《阿甘正传》2、I've long forgotten her!我早就忘了她了!——《老友记》3、We can't choose origin, but we can choose f


1、保持青春的秘诀,是有一颗不安分的心。The secret of keeping youth is to have a restless heart.2、或许,我会消失,就在明天的晨光里。Maybe, I will disappear in the morning light tomorrow.3


1、不要把姐当黄金看,姐其实是一颗闪闪发光的钻石。Don't regard elder sister as gold. Elder sister is actually a shining diamond.2、找女朋友别找我这样的,太多人追的,给不了你安全感。Looking for a girlfr


1、想到和得到,中间还有两个字,就是“做到”。There are two words in the middle of thinking and getting, which is "do it".2、今天起,不回望,不犹豫,为梦想用力奔跑!Today, do not look back, do n




1、If you need anything, please let me know.如果有什么需要,请告诉我。——《阿甘正传》2、I've long forgotten her!我早就忘了她了!——《老友记》3、We can't choose origin, but we can choose f