
The Trending English Sentence Phrases for Posting on Social Media Platforms with Friends

2023-09-27 05:08:33 4


Good horses do not eat grass, because there is no grass when they turn back.


It is better to fight for today with sweat than to regret yesterday with tears.


He teases you, does not mean he likes you, perhaps boring, perhaps ambiguous addiction, perhaps he is central air conditioning.


Don't let the tiny distress in life affect your smile when you look at the sky.


Meeting is always nodding, want to say is always difficult to open up, the moment of sight intersection, I already feel your tenderness.


In the lack of love in the view of me, for anything, do not feel happy.


Let a person know too much about himself, will become his fatal weakness, and make himself vulnerable.


A person's life should be crazy once, whether for a person, a love, a journey, or a dream.


Sighing is the most time-consuming thing, and crying is the most wasteful act.


Don't be dissatisfied with others all the time. You should always review yourself. If you are dissatisfied with others, you will suffer yourself.


Love confuses the concept of right and wrong; strong love and proud ambition have no boundaries.


If you treat me as a person, I will treat you as a person. If you treat me as a ghost, I will be a ghost to show you.


When you have no money, your wife is a secretary; when you have money, you have a secretary and a wife.


Wish you can be delicate to the old, with the sun in your eyes and magnanimous in your smile.


I don't want you to be liked by too many people.


There's nothing wrong with teasing, it's just that you give too much fun that no one knows your sadness.


Everything is clear, but we still miss in a hurry, because you believe in fate, because I doubt life.


In front of the enemy, whoever calms down first will be close to victory.


Do you believe that there will always be someone who will read your every micro blog in silence without leaving any trace.


There is jealousy in the world of friendship, which is no less than love.


The most reliable thing in this world is not others, but yourself. Don't rely on others, be strong and independent.


Parting is to love what wind is to fire: it extinguishes Mars, but it inflames flames.


I don't want to care about you, but the person around you has given you enough tenderness, which also cares about me.


A truly gorgeous woman, even if no one pays attention to her, can also shine.


I want to write poetry, write rain, write night's Acacia, write you, can't write.


Accumulation of how much helpless and powerless, will think through and let it go.


Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than appearance, happiness is more important than love.


There is no way, wind and rain, I want to come to your side, unreasonable.


You know, I still love you. I just don't have the courage to say it again.


Be nice to yourself. When you are in a bad mood, don't think about anything. Go and eat what you love.


A woman's heart is a glass bottle full of water, but seems to have nothing.


There are a lot of things in the world that are uncertain. Everything is as you wish. If you can't, you will follow the fate. If you can't, you will follow the trend of the times.


If I can see my back, I think it must be very sad, because I left the happiness in front of me.


Most of the time, what we can't let go is not the other party, but the common memories of the past.


Do now: when you are particularly impetuous, do what you have in your hands.


After all, sometimes beauty is a very lonely thing, only those who can see and appreciate it will find it.


Don't expect, don't imagine, don't force, let it be. If it's doomed, it will happen.


Unimportant person, you want to leave, I will not detain.


Life is very tired, don't let the soul tired again; life is not long, don't let yourself carry.


Love is to open the heart, let it flow freely, let the other party see, hear and feel.


The rain will stop, the heart will clear, nothing will be bad forever.


Through this difficult time, I believe that the bad days have passed, and the rest is good luck.


If you don't take the wind of the four seasons, you will take the scenery along the way; if you can't meet the person who is in the heart, you will walk in all directions.


The more you care about what, the more you will suffer. If the heart doesn't move, it doesn't hurt.


I want to go back to childhood, happy, can unbridled smile; sad, can cry.


Sometimes I hate myself. I can't speak. I'm too kind. I don't have any heart.


Only because of the increase of lawlessness, the love of many people is becoming colder and colder.


Deal with emotions first, then deal with things. If you don't handle emotions well, things will get worse.


In fact, there is no imagination of the strong, just can not find a place to rest the cowardly.


We planned for the future and lived through the days we thought we couldn't, but in the end you left me.


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