

Heart-wrenching English sentences that express feelings of sorrow and sadness

1、如果没有遇见对的人,我宁愿孤独终老。If I don't meet the right person, I'd rather die alone.2、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得,是世间常态。Grow up to know that the original love but not, is th

A Collection of Sad Phrases in English to Express Overwhelming Emotions of Grief and Sorrow

1、余生笑我多悲欢,错认离人是久宿。For the rest of my life, I laugh at how sad and joyous I am.2、你说要挽留我,凭什么?Why do you want to keep me?3、该结束的结束,该开始的才会开始。The end of the

How to Share Heartbreak in English: Expressing Sadness and Sorrow in the English Language.

1、谁在夜里泣不成声,笑说自己,没爱过那个人。Who cried in the night, said with a smile that they did not love that person.2、飞蛾扑了火花,你又信了谎话。The moth catches the spark, and yo