

Sadness and Emotion Quotes in English for Expressing Your Feelings and Overcoming Your Struggles

1、我只能用玩笑的方式告诉你,我喜欢你。I can only tell you jokingly that I like you.2、爱情就像鬼故事,听是听说过,没怎么见过。Love is like a ghost story. I've heard it, but I haven't seen i

Heart-wrenching and poignant English phrases that evoke feelings of sadness

1、独自一人走天涯,不管伤痕累累。Go to the end of the world alone, no matter how scarred.2、你离开了我,还附送折磨,只有天晓得我该怎么做。You left me with torture. Only God knows what I shou

Heart-wrenching English Sentences About Love and Heartbreak

1、属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。Don't give up what belongs to you. What has been lost, keep it as memory.2、给你一句忠告,再喜欢也不要旧情复燃。I'll give you a piece of advice.

Heart-wrenching English sentences that express feelings of sorrow and sadness

1、如果没有遇见对的人,我宁愿孤独终老。If I don't meet the right person, I'd rather die alone.2、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得,是世间常态。Grow up to know that the original love but not, is th

Sadness and Insomnia Expressed Through Short English Phrases

1、我能没有你,就算是我施舍她的可不可以?Can I give to her without you?2、对你想说的话,我只好写在纸上然后烧掉。For what you want to say, I have to write it on paper and burn it.3、月亮为何如此孤单,因


1、做个悲伤的智者,不如做个开心的傻子。To be a sad wise man is better than to be a happy fool.2、委屈太多,曾经那些事情真的好难过。Wronged too much, once those things really good sad.3、青春

How to Share Heartbreak in English: Expressing Sadness and Sorrow in the English Language.

1、谁在夜里泣不成声,笑说自己,没爱过那个人。Who cried in the night, said with a smile that they did not love that person.2、飞蛾扑了火花,你又信了谎话。The moth catches the spark, and yo