
One Hundred Years of Solitude's Classic Quotes in English: A Timeless Compilation of Memorable Insights and Remarkable Sentiments.

2023-10-08 12:23:55 4


Time flies, yes, but not so fast.


Do whatever you want to be stupid, and I'll say what I want to say.


Death has nothing to do with him, but life means something to him.


With a slight push, the hinge let out a sad, intermittent groan, which caused a cold echo in his heart.


Many years later, when Colonel oreliano stood in front of the firing squad, he would remember the distant afternoon when his father took him to visit the ice.


We've been fighting for so many years, it's just to stop painting our house blue.


Death is a mirror, reflecting the futility of life in front of it.


They just spend their time admiring their dirty navels, and then shamelessly ask others to give them the lark's heart on the table.


The earth is round, like an orange!


The privilege of loneliness, which she had worked so hard to win, would never be used for an old age disturbed by false and charming pity.


No matter where they go, they should remember that memory is a way of no return. All the past spring is gone! The wild and tough love is just a fleeting reality.


In a word, everything that God created with boundless beauty and destroyed by the devil is the object of his fear.


The explorers explored the ship carefully, but found that there was nothing inside, only a forest of flowers in full bloom.


All the noise in life will be paid back with loneliness.


Unable to bear the fear and confusion of the desire to escape, but also the desire to stay forever in this annoying silence and terrible loneliness.


Time in their own movement will also encounter setbacks, obstacles, so a certain period of time will be stranded in which room.


It doesn't matter. The most important thing is not to get lost.


Some people want to sleep, but not because of sleepiness, but out of the nostalgia for sleep.


The secret of a happy old age is nothing else but a decent agreement with loneliness.


Like a dreamer through the gloomy world, the lungs are filled with the smell of suffocating blood.


In fact, what he cared about was not death but life, so when he heard the death sentence, he had no fear but nostalgia.


As always, we should be firm and loyal. How we fought for victory, now we will fight for defeat.


The past is false, memories have no way back, spring is always gone, the most crazy persistent love is also gone.


They die of starvation, they live with anger, they age and rot in the dunghill of fine honor.


War has been thrown into the attic of tragic memories, only occasionally mentioned in the pop of champagne.


He longed for solitude, and his resentment of the whole world gnawed at his heart.


Premonition always comes in a flash. It is like a certain belief that can't be captured in an instant.


Since there is nothing to do but watch the rain, it is futile to divide time into years and days into ends.


Death has been following his footsteps, sniffing his tracks, but not yet determined to give him a final blow.


In this moist, silent paradise that existed long before sin, the expeditionary men were overwhelmed by the oldest memories.


In fact, death has nothing to do with him. Life is what makes sense to him.


Once upon a time when God didn't cheat, everything was different. Now, not only do children grow up very fast, but also people's feeling is not like before.


Ursula realized that he lived in a dark world deeper than his own eyes, as unbreakable and lonely as his great grandfather's.


I did die for a time, but I couldn't bear to be alone again.


All the splendor in life must be paid back by loneliness.


Don't beg anyone. Don't kowtow in front of others. You just think that someone else shot me.


How to fight for defeat at the beginning, how to fight for victory now.


The lie became more and more sincere, and finally even she got comfort from it.


I just feel that people's inner pain can't be expressed, and many of people's actions can't be done. One hundred years of understanding, one hundred years of loneliness.


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